
So far my project looks really good at this point in the class. In the beginning I really didn't know how to code and now I am starting to get a better feel for what I am doing. When I started my coding class I was confused and scared because the prior students came in and said they had a lot of trouble when doing coding. I started to practice more and more, watching the videos over and over again to make sure that I have done everything to the tee. It was similar to when I made my videos on Final Cut, just constantly looking back and forth about what I have to do. Right now I honestly believe that I deserve an A or an A-. However, Professor Wolff believes I deserve a B+. The reason being is because of my reflections and my writings. My coding has little to no mistakes when I use the generator to find my mistakes. I feel that once I got my groove for the coding end, then once I got very familiar I got more confident. I think I would tell future students to relax when they see all the letters and numbers in the brackets app. It isn’t as stressful as it looks. However, the littlest mistake will affect your website and your coding. A little bit of advice is to look at the letters that have red and it shows you the mistake that you have made. Always use a hard refresh, so your website can look the way it is supposed to be. I would for sure change the colors to my website and the fonts, but I have a few days to do it before the project is due. What I could do better is writing down notes from the videos, instead of just watching the video back and forth. Before I was watching the videos without any notes and I see how it made everything more difficult. This would help me instead of going back and forth on the video, instead I can just look back and my notes and have what I forgot in the video.


As of right now I am really proud of how my website looks, there is still more improvement to be done however. For example, I want to change the background color and make it not seem so out of the ordinary. I want the colors to fit and make sense for my website. Right now my letters are blue,red, and black. It also has a white and gray background that really fits my website. My website is much better than my previous website that I did at Cabrini University. My other website wasn’t done by code, however, it was done by wordpress. This had no videos, but it had some pictures on the website. There were no videos on my website, because this was something I was not interested in four years ago.I decided I wanted my website to be mainly about sports, lacrosse especially, because of my background with the sport. I started to film the Saint Joe’s lacrosse team in the fall and I continued to film them throughout their season. I posted my best pictures on the website and it looks very good. The fonts I have with my website fits with what I want my page to look like. I like the fact that my website is a little different in color wise and font wise unlike other websites.